About Me

My name is Megan Cartier and the 2013-2014 school year will mark my tenth year as a special education teacher in Frankfort, Kentucky.  I wear many hats as an LBD (Learning Behavior Disorders) teacher at the high school level.  Throughout the decade that I have been teaching, I have been responsible for presenting content in math, science, social studies and English. The one subject I have always been responsible for presenting content in has been math.  I've taught Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry in the resource setting and have co-taught in those subjects as well. This year (2013-2014),  I will be teaching the following courses in the resource setting: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Data & Measurement/Personal Finance and English I- IV. <<phew>>

I never wanted to be a teacher.  Seriously. I never played school when I was a child.  Teaching never made my Top 10 Possible Future Careers list when I was in high school.  My undergraduate degree from the University of New Hampshire (2000) is in Communication Disorders. The genesis of my intense interest in education did not transpire until midway through my graduate program at Georgetown College (Georgetown, KY-2004).  My initial goal was to work as an advocate for families of children with learning disorders.  While pursuing my graduate degree, I worked as a substitute teacher for several districts in an effort to gain experience working with children.  The moment I walked into the classroom for the first time, my career aspirations solidified into a clear and comprehensive vision of becoming a teacher. After 10 years, I'm still in awe of the fact that I am a teacher.   I have been fortunate enough to spend all ten years of my teaching career at the same high school in Frankfort, Kentucky.  Although I did not grow up in this area, I have vested interests in my home and school communities.The high school where I teach has an enrollment of just under 1000 students.  I am one of 4 special education teachers in my building. I have sponsored my school's Key Club for the past nine years, served on a multitude of committees, and assisted with several other organizations. This past year, I was humbled and honored by my peers and awarded the 2012-2013 Teacher of the Year for my school.  I love my job. I love my colleagues. I love my students and I love my community!

I'm an Army Brat.  My father served in the Army for 31 years as a pilot and his career kept my family moving and globe-trotting all over the world.  When it is all said and done, I attended 14 schools in the 16 years (college included) I was in school.  Though my list of childhood friends that I am still in contact with is short, I would not change a thing about my childhood.  While overseas, my parents were adamant about my brother and I experiencing all the nuances of our host nations.  My childhood is ripe with memories of castles explored, museums toured and landmarks visited.  Now, I live in Georgetown, Kentucky- a beautiful bedroom community to Lexington, Kentucky (home of the UK Wildcats). The rest of my family (parents, brother and his family) call Upstate NY their home and that's where I spend my summers and holidays.  (Go 'Cuse!)

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