Saturday, June 8, 2013

New Beginnings

New beginnings.  Despite it being the end of the school year, I find myself stepping way outside of my comfort zone to join the world of education blogging and embark upon new beginnings.  As with most first posts, I’m going to tell you a little about myself and the path that has led me to this point. 
The 2013-2014 school year will mark my 10th year as a teacher.  Growing up, I never wanted to be a teacher.  I didn’t play “school” as a child and this career path never even made my top ten career lists when I was a senior in high school.  I made it all the way through college without a desire to teach.  I received my undergraduate degree in Communication Disorders in December of 2000 and then took several years off to “find myself”. After working as a residence director at a home for developmentally disabled adults, I decided to go back to school and pursue my masters in special education.  I wasn’t truly interested still in becoming a classroom teacher- I wanted to be a family advocate or serve in a similar capacity in a non-school environment.  I lucked into finding an alternative program for non-traditional education majors and I was off and running. 

Two years of grad school crammed into one.  I loved it. I loved the classes I took. I’ve always loved school. I could be a professional student if I could afford it.  While working on my degree, I was fortunate enough to be able to substitute teach.  Forget student teaching.  If you really want to be thrown to the wolves and practice classroom management on the fly- work as a substitute teacher. (I’m kidding about throwing out student teaching) In August 2004 I earned my degree and walked into my very own classroom for the first time.  10 years later and I am still in awe over that heady feeling of having my own classroom.  I have also been fortunate enough to work in the same building all ten years with the same colleagues and the same community of children.  I love my job. I love everything about being a teacher.  I cannot imagine doing anything else with my life.  I know that I make a difference in the lives of most of my students.  Ten years has seasoned me to accept that word “most”.  When I first started teaching, I wanted to save the world and reach all of my students. I know I’ve touched my students, but the wisdom of ten years allows me to accept that most, not all will take my interests in their lives to heart.
Here I am ten years later taking my first plunge into this wonderful world of education blogging.  I'm ready for the new beginnings.  I'm ready for the beginning of my summer. I'm ready to begin my tenth year as a teacher!  Here's to new beginnings!

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